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Sustainable Travel: 13 Ways to Travel Responsibly

Episode #45

There is a carbon footprint of tourism that cannot be denied. Clearly, mother nature needs a break from all of us. But, does this mean we should stop traveling?

While it’s easy to judge the effects of travel on the climate, one thing the coronavirus pandemic has also helped illustrate is just how dependent the world is on tourism. Businesses around the world, from small mom-and-pop operations to big corporations that employ tens of thousands of people, have been hit hard.

This isn’t a cut-and-dry issue with a simple answer. So do we give up travel altogether, or is there a way to travel smarter, more responsibly and sustainably, so that the benefits of travel outweigh the costs? 

Here, Erica Boucher, director of International Yoga Travel, shares 13 ways to minimize your carbon footprint and travel more responsibly. 


Erica Boucher, host of the ALL WAYS EVOLVING Podcast, is an Author, Yogi, and Group Travel Specialist, hosting yoga retreats and travel around the world. Learn more about her upcoming trips here. 

*Intro music taken with permission by the artist from the song track, Journeying, on the album The River by Michael Brant DeMaria. Couresty of Ontosmusic/michaelbrantdemaria. 


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