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CULTS: Part 1 (My Story)

Episode #35

Listen in as I share my very personal story of an unexpected experience with a cult almost twenty years ago. Since then I have studied the phenomenon of cults and discovered they are much more pervasive than most people realize. I also share stories of others who found themselves being courted by a cult and how, as a result of what I now know, I was able to immediately recognize it for what it was.

This lays the foundation for my next episode, Cults: Part 2, where I share what the signs are so you can recognize a cult right away, simply by knowing some of their definite giveaways.


Erica Boucher, host of the ALL WAYS EVOLVING Podcast, is an Author, Yogi, and Group Travel Specialist. As the owner of International Yoga Travel, she hosts yoga retreats and travel around the world. Learn more about her upcoming trips here. 

*Intro music taken with permission by the artist from the song track, Journeying, on the album The River by Michael Brant DeMaria. Couresty of Ontosmusic/michaelbrantdemaria. 


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