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How to Live With More Grace & Ease

Episode #24

When was the last time you read an article all the way through or finished a book?

When was the last time you gave yourself permission to simply sit and breathe for a while, without feeling like you had to be DOING something?

And how often do you experience a sense of urgency and stress thinking about all that you have to accomplish?

Studies have shown that thanks to social media and the popular concept of multi-tasking, the average attention span for adults is now about 8 seconds long. 

Most of us have a To-Do list that is so long we’re only going to get everything on that list done if absolutely everything runs smoothly and according to plan.

But how often does that happen?

Which means that on a daily basis many are experiencing a not-so-healthy dose of frustration, stress, and even anxiety. And what do you think the accumulated effects of that are having on you over time?

On top of that, some may even end up feeling a sense of failure, either consciously or unconsciously, because they again didn’t accomplish what they set out to accomplish for that day.

In this week’s short 6-minute video, I talk about the concept of slowing down so we can live with more grace and ease, and I share another way to look at the little “interruptions” that cause so many of us frustration.

I’m certainly not immune to this practice of slowing down—it’s something I have to remind myself of every single day. It is, like yoga and meditation, a practice.  

It goes hand in hand with the currently popular concept of minimalism, if you think about it. But instead of just thinking about minimizing our possessions, we are minimizing our schedules. Creating space where before there was clutter.

My challenge for you is to see if you can allow yourself 6 minutes out of your day to slow down, take a few nourishing breaths, and watch this video that just may help inspire you to move from a sense of urgency and stress, toward living with more grace and ease. 


Erica Boucher, host of the ALL WAYS EVOLVING Podcast, is an Author, Yogi, and Group Travel Specialist. As the owner of International Yoga Travel, she hosts yoga retreats and travel around the world. Learn more about her upcoming trips here. 

*Intro music taken with permission by the artist from the song track, Journeying, on the album The River by Michael Brant DeMaria. Couresty of Ontosmusic/michaelbrantdemaria. 


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