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EARTHING with Martin Zucker

Episode #18

Unlike simply spending time in nature, which in and of itself is healing, when you take it one step further by making contact with the earth with your bare feet you'll be amazed by the results. It's grounding, healing and nourishing to ALL systems of the body.

And it's absolutely free.

But if it's not that easy to get out there and dig your toes into the dirt consistently enough to yield results, there are ways you can do it while you sleep, while sitting at your desk, and while you're chilling out watching a movie.

Listen as Martin Zucker, co-author of the book EARTHING, shares the surprising benefits of Earthing, and why you're going to want to kick off your shoes and head outdoors as soon as possible. 

Erica Boucher, host of the ALL WAYS EVOLVING Podcast, is an Author, Yogi, and Group Travel Specialist, hosting yoga retreats and travel around the world. Learn more about her upcoming trips here. 

*Intro music taken with permission by the artist from the song track, Journeying, on the album The River by Michael Brant DeMaria. Couresty of Ontosmusic/michaelbrantdemaria. 


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